Let's meet our 5 Bachelors.
Ladies and Gentleman, we have here with us a few candidates for this post : Bachelor #1 He's constantly showering you with poems and compliments on how beautiful you are. He's always there to offers words of encouragement and support in whatever you do. It doesn't end there because he also tweets, instagrams and updates his facebook status to tell the world of how much he's in love with you and never fails to remind you of how he doesn't want another pretty face or anyone to hold, he wants you and your beautiful soul ...he even writes you songs that he sings to you while playing on h is guitar like this *raises eyebrows* : Bachelor #2 Bachelor 2 is a practical guy. He's ever willing to lend you a helping hand in anything you do. Does your light bulbs need changing? He's on it. Car died along the LDP during rush hour? Just give him a call and he'll be more than happy to come to your rescue. You leave your plates in the sink after a long day at work and wh...