
Showing posts from July, 2013

My fringe, why doesn't it just go the way it's supposed to?

Here's a list of everyday "girl woes" that I'm sure you would have experienced....if you're a girl that is. We'll start off the list with... 1. Bad eyeliner days. The day starts off as any other day and you're ready to put on your eyeliner. Left eye then right eye then DAMN! left looks thicker than the right. "No matter" you say to yourself "I'll just even it out" damn! now the right looks thicker than the left. Next thing you know both sides are uneven and you need to rub the whole thing off because they don't match...and the angle of the wings didn't either. 2. Muscle aches and sports bras. Are like the worst combo ever. Almost nothing is as difficult as trying to pull your sports bra over your head when your whole body is aching. Can I get an amen? 3. Having cramps. Dont need to elaborate on this one but for the guys who are reading this, it's like having the worst stomach ache of your life but not being able to g...

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream | Nbrew @ Midvalley

The other day we were invited over to Nbrew to try out their liquid nitrogen gelato! :D This is gelato that becomes gelato instantly (more on this later). It contains no preservatives and is made in front of your very eyes! This also makes it fresher than fresh. Okay before your paranoid brain starts going crazy, I googled this and liquid nitrogen is safe for consumption when handled properly. Haha, okay maybe it's just my paranoid brain, but hey at least now you're (I'm) assured. We were given chance to try making our own batch of liquid nitrogen gelato! So here's how the gelato becomes gelato, instantly : Just casually filling up a jug with some liquid nitrogen. No bigs.  Here's the creamy cream that makes the gelato well, gelato! haha.   Cream goes into the beater with the liquid nitrogen and poof! This was their best seller, Chocolate & Nuts. Look at the smooth texture of this! It was incredibly light and incredibly creamy! I realize how that sounds a li...

What mother says.

A few days ago, I was holding on the hair dryer when I pulled too hard on the wire; the plug head flew off the socket and hit me right in the shin, giving me an immediate bruise. "Owww! Mum! The plug flew at me and hit me in the shin!" I say. Now, one would normally expect a mother to offer some words of comfort. A stroke on the head maybe, a warm beverage perhaps. In hearing what I say, mum looks at the bruise and puts her arm around me. She then laughs and says , "Ah! I brought the right daughter home. Apple hasn't fallen too far from the tree!" Oh mother!

Questions that are peppered with insults (aka stupid-question-comments)

"Why your dress like that wan?" I look down at my dress, why? I see nothing wrong with it. I think it looks pretty good. In fact, it looked pretty good on Lauren Conrad as well. Why do people ask these kinds of questions? How am I supposed to answer your stupid judging question? "Oh my dress is like this because I went around the store looking for something I absolutely abhor and in my opinion, was terribly ugly and decided I would love to buy it" *rolls eyes* ...Idiot. I really wanted to title this post  'Stupid things people say' but I guess I wanted to be a little more specific. Let's say you bake a cake, "Why your cake look like that wan?"  or  "Why your cake so sweet wan?" Obvious answer is because it came out of the oven looking like that and because I put sugar in it foo'! But I shouldn't have to answer these kind of questions, that are asked in a judging tone - I must add again. If I bake the cake, it's optiona...

Jou's Birthday | Tea @ The Ritz Carlton

" But Trisssshhh I want a fondant cake! All I ever wanted was fondant cake!" Jou was really psyched about her party. In fact, I think it made up most of our conversations the few weeks before. "What should the theme be? Where should I have it? Should I get props? Do you think people will dress up? Should we do a people-you'll-never-see-together theme?" Not that I'm complaining, I liked talking about these things haha! Of course, being the sucha-good-friend that I am, I offered to help out here and there but Jou did all the heavy lifting (metaphorically) while I just placed balloons around the table on the day and assure her that people do dress up for themed parties...especially since Fly FM was having that community message about following dress codes, to make all the guests feel guilty had they not hah! Jou looking all flapper. :)  Our tiered afternoon tea, complete with sweets and savouries. One of the sweet tiers. Everything on this was really good! A p...

Questions because I need answers : Pacific Rim

You know every time you come out of a movie and think , "Omg! that was the best movie ever! Wah the CGI, wah the suspense, wah the guy with the abs!" Ya well, I usually think the same things but what drives me crazy are the scenes that don't quite add up. "Why did they do that when they could've done this? Why did they have to add in that part at all? Did he really have to die? Who pushed pussy in the well?" I always have so many questions that go unanswered. I just got back from watching Pacific Rim and somebody needs to answer these! These are probably spoilers la so maybe you wanna skip this post in... 3 2 1 Question 1  You know how Marshal Stacker kept bleeding? He explains that this was due to radiation poisoning in a past mission. He then goes on to saying that he can never step foot in a Jaeger again or he'll die and when he suits up to step into the Jaeger, Mako Mori get's all emotional and says something like; "But you will die if yo...