The American Diaries | Episode 3 - Theatrics on Hollywood Blvd.

The other day I headed over to Hollywood Boulevard and it was.... interesting. "Don't talk to anyone here, you never know who you're going to meet," was what mum said to me. Really mum? Maybe an exaggeration. She's overly paranoid most of the time. I mean it does have it's charm, it's pretty exciting being there and the stretch is really vibrant and full of life! But I never imagined seeing so many er, different characters there. There were tonnes of people passing out CDs asking you to listen to them because they were gonna get famous one day, " Ey come over here! come over here! Take this, take this!" they would yell at you from the pavement. There were also so many people parading around in costume. I saw a Spiderman with a belly, a Spiderman who made balloon animals, Venom, Marilyn Monroe, Freddy Krueger, Catwoman and a really dirty Minnie Mouse. Also on the stretch, just the block before The Chinese Theater, are probably a hundred costume s...