
Showing posts from November, 2013

The American Diaries | Episode 3 - Theatrics on Hollywood Blvd.

The other day I headed over to Hollywood Boulevard and it was.... interesting. "Don't talk to anyone here, you never know who you're going to meet,"  was what mum said to me. Really mum? Maybe an exaggeration. She's overly paranoid most of the time. I mean it does have it's charm, it's pretty exciting being there and the stretch is really vibrant and full of life! But I never imagined seeing so many er, different characters there. There were tonnes of people passing out CDs asking you to listen to them because they were gonna get famous one day, " Ey come over here! come over here! Take this, take this!" they would yell at you from the pavement. There were also so many people parading around in costume. I saw a Spiderman with a belly, a Spiderman who made balloon animals, Venom, Marilyn Monroe, Freddy Krueger, Catwoman and a really dirty Minnie Mouse. Also on the stretch, just the block before The Chinese Theater, are probably a hundred costume s...

The America Diaries | Episode 2 - ChapStick, sometimes isn't really ChapStick

Shaun was looking high and low for his "ChapStick" the other day. "Oh! it's in my pocket!"  he said and pulled out the little lipbalm tube. "That's not Chapstick Shaun. That's Burts Bees . " "Yea. It's Burts Bees ChapStick. " "Isn't Chapstick a brand?"  I am clearly confused here. Well yea, this is just a different brand of ChapStick. What would you call it then?" On second thought, maybe he's the one that's confused. That's two different brands..right guys, right right? "Uhmmm lip balm? Isn't that like a completely different brand?" "Yea, but like Kleenex. No one says pass me a tissue, they say pass me a Kleenex even if it's a totally different brand" What I learnt : 1. Just accept it. It doesn't make much sense.  2. This ad is strangely accurate. ..even when it isn't really.

The America Diaries | Episode 1 - The Toilet

The other day, I was in Nordstrom looking high and low for the toilet.  I needed to pee desperately and I couldn't find it! I did the usuals, you know, pacing back and forth from one display to another,  looking up at all the signs (dressing room?..nope not it) and trying to stand on my tip toes in search  for a door that might have that symbol with the little person on it. Maybe I'll just ask someone , I think to myself.  Or maybe I'm not looking for the right sign.  Okay whatever I'll ask someone.  Damn! What do they call it again?  I pace up and down again and... Lo and behold! I find -what must be it- a sign that said  Ladies Lounge .  It's hard enough trying to consciously remind myself not to call it a toilet,   now I find it's also called Ladies Lounge? What do ladies do in there? ...Lounge?.. hang out maybe? So I see a door but instead of seeing the usual symbol on it,  (you know, the little bald lady wearing that triangular...

What to do when your battery dies.

1. Nothing.  Because your battery is dead. How will you take a picture of your food now? How will you IM the people who aren't in conversation vicinity? What will you do with your hands!!!? Okay but I guess there's always.. 2. Try to socialize with the people around you. Yea, see that's not so bad huh? Oh but hold on, they're all on their phones. That's nice. What will you do with your hands!!? 3. Do the obvious and charge it. But you don't have a charger with you. Well, you have one in your car, but you're in meetings the whole day so I guess that's not gonna work now is it? I hateee it when my phone runs out of battery. It's the worst thing in the world, especially in this day and age! Even my mum whatsapps me when she wants to ask me something. So having your battery die and not being connected just makes the world a gloomier place. Okay I'm being dramatic....or am I really? Lemme tell you a few instances where my phone died and it made my wor...

Halloween and Genting Theme Park

Happy Halloween Everyone! It was a dark and stormy night... Oh but first! For Halloween, Naeust, Fresh026, Antzz22 and I decided to make dressing up a group effort. We decided that whoever we did dress up as was, was someones of substance. Someones influential, someones inspiring, someones who's conversations carried so much weight that their words would be quoted until the end of time. Someones admirable. (Yes someone s . Plural because it was a group effort) So we showed up, looking like this.. We even tried to recreate some of the scenes, just to be legit. So anyway, it was a dark and rainy night when we decided to head up to Genting for their Halloween do.  When was the last time anyone sat on a cable car? I was probably 5. Cable car, night time, after the rain when we had work the next day - we're pretty hard core huh? Party animals we all.  The entire theme park (which is closed for renovation btw) was divided into different sections and dressed up for Halloween. The pi...

TalentCorp | When I grow up...

So, what are you gonna do now? Everyone was asking me the same question I didn't know the answer to. I had graduated and I had no idea what I wanted to do. It felt like I didn't know enough about what was going on out there to make a decision this big...and that was a scary feeling. You know what may have helped me get some idea of what was going on in the big working world? What may have made my leap a little less scary? Something like this : The Sector Focused Career Fair by Talentcorp , which went on in Shah Alam earlier this month. The fair focused mainly on Shared Services and Outsourcing (SSO)  in industries such as Oil & Gas, Electronics & Electrical, IT, Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare, Tourism, FMCG and Education. During the fair there were dialogue sessions where graduates got their questions answered by  YB. Senator Dato' Sri Abdul Wahid Omar, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department & BOD of TalentCorp. Grad...