The American Diaries | Episode 10 - The Carpool Lane
There's something almost relaxing about driving on the freeway in LA - not during rush hour. I can't really explain it, but imagine playing your favourite music (maybe Jack Johnson) on wide roads, with big sky and pretty views (like mountains with snow on them!) All this coming from someone who hates driving btw. But anyway, to my story! The other day we were making our way from Anaheim to LA. Crusin' on the highway, California sun, music playing, wind in my hair, you know all that Californian good stuff when I saw a sign that said Carpool Lane. And I was like NO WAY. This was hilarious la! So I had to ask, just in case. "What's the Carpool Lane?" " Oh, when you have more than 1 driver in the car, you can use it. It's to minimize traffic." OMG, they are serious! "Oh so you only can use it if you Carpool (literally)" "Yea. It's like a reward for being green" "What if it's rush hour and it's really really jam...