
Showing posts from December, 2013

The American Diaries | Episode 10 - The Carpool Lane

There's something almost relaxing about driving on the freeway in LA - not during rush hour. I can't really explain it, but imagine playing your favourite music (maybe Jack Johnson) on wide roads, with big sky and pretty views (like mountains with snow on them!)  All this coming from someone who hates driving btw. But anyway, to my story!  The other day we were making our way from Anaheim to LA. Crusin' on the highway, California sun, music playing, wind in my hair, you know all that Californian good stuff when I saw a sign that said Carpool Lane. And I was like NO WAY. This was hilarious la! So I had to ask, just in case. "What's the Carpool Lane?" " Oh, when you have more than 1 driver in the car, you can use it. It's to minimize traffic." OMG, they are serious!  "Oh so you only can use it if you Carpool (literally)" "Yea. It's like a reward for being green" "What if it's rush hour and it's really really jam...

The America Diaries | Episode 9 - Hiking in the Hollywood Hills

"The park is huge, I wonder why they don't wanna do that INSIDE the park," I say pointing to the guys who were doing yoga at the entrance of the park (which is next to a main road btw).... who were also shirtless. "Yea well, this is LA. If you aren't getting any attention you aren't doing it right" On the way back from Shaun's place, we drove up to the Grififth Observatory to hike our way up the hill. "We should climb up at night next time, it'll be so pretty at night" Hohoho he's so funny. It was a pretty steep trail and it probably didn't help that we (Shaun) decided to take the short cuts (upward instead of windy-around-the-hill-ward). We were climbing most of the way, holding on to rocks, pipes, branches and whatever else we could. So sunny, I might actually need to wear sunglasses to look at this pic I say hill like it's a tiny easy stroll but just 5 minutes into the hike I could already feel it on my thighs. And at ...

The America Diaries | Episode 8 - Boiling Crab

"We're going to Boiling Crab on Friday. Don't plan anything. " It was still the beginning of the week when Shaun sent me this text. Like it was serious business. Haha and yes, of course, in my journey of discovering California, food is what we'd cover first (...and last ...and in between.) The Malaysian is strong in this one. "Oh I forgot to tell you to only wear clothes you don't like. You're gonna smell of it after.  Are you wearing anything you like?" "I'm wearing everything I like!" The boiling crab is cajun seafood. You can order crab, shrimp, corn, sausage, etc  and it'll arrive in a plastic bag filled with sauce... ...that you eat off the table...with your hands. So that's pretty interesting.  *I don't eat with my hands* But dammmmnnn the food is soooo good!!! We ordered shrimp and crab and corn and French fries.  French fries are the best! Esp dipped in the sauce.*cholesterol level spikes* If I lived there, I wou...

The America Diaries | Episode 7 - The gun range.

So uhmmm this is interesting. I'm sure I won't accidentally...kill anyone. 0.0 I'll just be extra careful and handle this with extreme caution.  Careful not to drop it or anything stupid like that. "Why do you look so scared?" Uhm maybe because... I'm holding a gun! Shit this is scary. People die with this in their hands. "It's not any different than holding a knife" He must be kidding. This is so different!  "Maybe you can pretend there's someone you don't like, and they're the target" " But I wouldn't wanna shoot them!" "Okay yea no.. forget that. Just relax." I didn't do so well guys. If I were given a gun to shoot someone, I'd probably just be able to scare them away with the loud loud BANG when I pull the trigger (intentionally aiming for them but missing completely) "I'm pretty bad at this!" "No no you're doing really good!" What a liar, look at all the trust...

The America Diaries | Episode 6 - M&M donuts

"You have to eat M&M donuts it's sooooo good!" We stood in line half an hour before it opened to get the donuts...and it was cold! The first 2 times we went, I got sleepy so we headed home. You see, it only opens at night and closes in the wee hours of the morning. "Why does it take so long?" I grumble. "There's only one man who makes the donuts and he only has one oven. He bakes it batch by batch." "I bet he's Chinese" "How did you know?!" "Haha because he's stinging on man power and doesn't wanna buy more ovens.... it's okay that I say it, I'm Chinese too" - We were the 3rd in line when it opened and waited over an hour! When we finally got our donuts, I was pretty excited.  Everyone I met was raving about it since I arrived in LA. I took a bite.  "Do you like it??"  A hot fresh-out-of-the-oven donut in the cold weather. It was the best donut I had ever eaten.  Worth the hour in ...

The American Diaries | Episode 5 - The Hollywood Tower of Terror

"We're not pressuring you to do drugs, we're pressuring you to have fun." I'm a big chicken when it comes to roller coasters.  I'm the one who usually offers to hold the bags, take pictures and wave at you while you wait in line... like your parents. That's why, no matter how many times I've been to Disneyland. I never. N ever ! Go on the Tower of Terror. "If you don't like it in the beginning we can leave" What a liar! We left only to get back in line awhile later. "Look at the building! It's so beautiful!" " ........Shaun, I can hear people screaming all the way from the street " "Nah, not all the way from the street! Only from the entrance of the ride" That's great. I feel better......not. "You can sit between us, we'll protect you!" " From what Kyle? The height!?" - Okay that's good,  I can't see the bottom and maybe it's not so high. Maybe I can leave..maybe......

The America Diaries x What Mother Says | Episode 4 - P.F. Changs

"Oh look there's a P.F Changs here. We'll go there for dinner" mum says. What's that? "It's a ngmoh Chinese food."  (American chinese food) Why do we wanna eat there? o.o "When I went to visit a friend in San Francisco out of all the places to go, you know where he brought me?   P.F Changs .  When I came back to LA I saw another friend, you know where she brought me? P.F Changs. Now we're in Pasadena, you know where I'm gonna bring you?  P.F Changs ." - "This place is the atas Chinese food, it's really popular among the Americans. You notice there are no Chinese in here." Well yea, if I can eat legit Chinese at home why do I wanna pay to eat American Chinese food? That's like going into Italiannies and saying there are no Italians in here. - What are egg rolls mum? I always hear angmohs talk about it. "Aiyah it's that roll we always eat, the fried one." What?! You mean popiah ? There isn't even ...