Things you love about Chinese New Year sounds.
Hi guys! Are you ready for my list of things you love about CNY music...and it's other sounds 1. Chinese New Year music playing everywhere! If you want to get into whats good for you this year, it's CNY music. For example! The other day, I was shopping and was about to try some tops and dresses on when it started playing - actually, let's not even use the word "playing" no one ever "plays" CNY music. They "blast" it! - started blasting. DONG DONG DONG CHIANG DONG DONG DONG CHIANG!!!! Almost immediately, I put my items back and walked out of the store. Had some indie, pop-ish or heaven forbid Christmas music been playing, I would've walked out of the store with more than a few things. So there you go, CNY music. Helping you save money. Similarly, I was shopping the other day and honestly, I had a lot to do that day but I was procrastinating. Halfway into my shopping excursion, a group of performers started gong-ing around in the mall -...