The pickle I'm in with Kimchi.

You know sometimes, you see something gross and you can't explain why but you'd keep wanting to look at it again and again? (Maybe secretly hoping it'll become less gross) But every time you look at it, you shudder again and again. That's how I feel about Kimchi. I think peer pressure is what it is! Whenever I'm with my friends having Korean they'd be all " I can't wait to have the Kimchi !" or " Yay! there's Kimchi! " and proceed to happily scoffing it down like it's Chocolate Lava Cake or something. Then I'd be like heh heh *awkward laugh* y aaa y Kimchi. #dontwannabeleftout I'd pick it up with my flat metal chopsticks, pop it in my mouth and regret it instantly. I'd do a quick chew chew chew swallow, so that I don't taste anything! and whenever it's in front of me again, the cycle repeats! Every. Single. Time. I feel like this baby is so many ways, Oh lemon-eating-baby, how relatable you are. So don't...