The cake & caffeine

With the sudden infestation of fake hipsters emergence of coffee lovers, coffee places are sprouting everywhere. I realize that almost every weekend I visit a new coffee place. Just to hang, to talk, to take pictures of my food, you know all that good stuff. The other day I went to a very crammed VCR (in KL) for coffee and cake. I even had a very good strategic spot next to the window for good instagram pictures. Here, I show you: #nofilter #really Then it dawned on me that, this must be peer pressure! haha! Just like road raging, has this become part of the Malaysian culture? o.o If I'm honest, I'm not the biggest fan of coffee. I drink it iced. with milk. and sugar. (I hear coffee nazis gasping all around). I can't even tell the difference between the brews. I much prefer tea but going all the way to a coffee place with special cold pressed brew so I can ask the barista to put a tea bag in hot water doesn't make much sense. Even as I type this, I'm here sitting ...