Why Portland...
I was listening to this representative from some place called Portland State babble on about how great his university was. "integration into the community. highly respectable. great programs. recognisable" was what I heard him say. It intrigued me, no doubt, but I wanted a place I'd love to live in and my sights were set on Chicago or New York or San Fran not some place in... I squint at the brochure he passed me ...Oregon. Where is that even? Probably the mid west. Yea. I don't think I can handle that. "Any questions?" A few hands shot up asking questions about requirements, scholarships and you know, other boring stuff like that that you can probably find on the website. Then I raised my hand and said, "So, what's Portland like? Is it a city? or is it more of a ....town?" I swear, his eyes lit up. "I used to live in San Francisco, and I moved to Portland because I loved it more" Yea right. Get a load of this tall angmo, making stor...