
Showing posts from April, 2015

Why Portland...

I was listening to this representative from some place called Portland State babble on about how great his university was.  "integration into the community. highly respectable. great programs. recognisable" was what I heard him say. It intrigued me, no doubt, but I wanted a place I'd love to live in and my sights were set on Chicago or New York or San Fran not some place in... I squint at the brochure he passed me ...Oregon. Where is that even? Probably the mid west. Yea. I don't think I can handle that. "Any questions?" A few hands shot up asking questions about requirements, scholarships and you know, other boring stuff like that that you can probably find on the website. Then I raised my hand and said, "So, what's Portland like? Is it a city? or is it more of a" I swear, his eyes lit up. "I used to live in San Francisco, and I moved to Portland because I loved it more" Yea right. Get a load of this tall angmo, making stor...


"Let's say we travel back in time, and one small thing changes your whole life can change" We were having one of those deep (go-nowhere) conversations. "So there can be realities that exist concurrently with the reality that you exist in now" Okay I wasn't being deep, I just liked entertaining the idea of parallel universes.  (where I might be tall and good at math and patience and stuff..) "But you know, there's the matter of a predestined route as well.  WAIT!! DO YOU LIKE TIME TRAVEL MOVIES!?" Irwin was practically jumping around. "Uhm it depends I guess" I say "You need to watch Predestination.  Omg so good. " So I did. Guys, best movie I've watched this year. Reals. I barely recommend movies to anyone, I mean it doesn't even matter to me if you skipped The Hobbit, Furious 7 or The Avengers or whatever. But Predestination, Predestination it's the real deal. It's the kind of movie that plays with your mind...