An Itchy Update

I'm sure everyone's excited to hear about my bug bites *crickets* I was awoken at 5am this morning by the itch and found myself scratching at my ankles. Guess you could say I scratched myself awake. Before I slept, I put on antibiotic cream and tried some bedak sejuk to relief the itch. None of it worked. I even rubbed a tea bag over my ankles (read it online), I was afraid that my annoyed, groggy scratching would make them bleed so I hobbled around half asleep looking for calamine lotion and slathered it on before diving under the covers again. Woke up a few hours after because of the itch again! I was so annoyed! Ran down the stairs, still half asleep, half blind because I couldn't find my glasses, threw salt and baking soda into a pail of hot water ( I read it online, a stinging yet relieving feeling. Very confusing. Like watching a Christopher Nolan movie) sat with my feet soaking for 30 minutes while hating the world. Haha I know, I sound really dramatic. But it's...