A Lesson In Organics.

I've been a little more conscious of eating healthy lately. Not sure if it's because I got updated with Monsanto, ( almost enough to make you want to only drink mountain water for the rest of your life) because my eczema has been acting up (more on this next time) or because the haze has made me realize how unhealthy everything is.. So anyway! I've been buying more organic and I try my best to stay away from processed food. Don't get me wrong, I've not turned into an organic-nazi, going around the canned food aisle and setting fire to their preservative-filled foods that last for a year. I'm just being more conscious of what I'm eating because I realize our bodies absorb everything we ingest and I'm trying to be healthier la ok? #defensive On a recent trip to the supermarket, we got some organic black soya beans to make soya bean milk and organic almonds for almond milk. (I know, I sound so pretentious throwing all these "organic" words in ...