
Showing posts from October, 2015

A Review of The GM Diet Day 1

Bob and I decided to do the GM Diet. What's the GM Diet? I honestly have no idea.  I just went along with whatever it was he was telling me about. A detox is always good anyway. Link's here so you can check it out. The first day you only eat fruit and you can have any fruit you want except bananas. I didn't know it was this intensive when I agreed to it and...well here's how day 1 went. Since that was all we were going to eat that day, we packed enough fruit for a pot luck. I was like, Yea, this isn't gonna be so bad! I'll just keep eating fruit so that I don't give my stomach a chance to get hungry. I'm busy today anyway, so that helps! I just have to survive lunch really.  I'm sure you guessed how wrong I was because it's not just the hunger,  fruit doesn't feel like a meal.  "You're only eating watermelon? Don't you get sick of eating the texture?" Yea! That's when I move on to pears. But truly, there's only so ma...

Sell This Gold Chain.

Different people have different styles right? Right. So that's why one day I told Bob: "You know what this person should get? A gold chain. Seems like it'll suit 'em"  "Don't think so, won't buy one" "Okay how about we say it's Ferragamo?" I say nodding my head. "Okay" "Limited edition." "Ya that's a good one." "..exclusive to you only if you spend above a certain amount! Members only" I say nodding more dramatically. "Ya! Surely buy la like that" "Interesting ah how this works. I think I can sell it to you also" I add confidently. "How?" "Okay so this gold chain....It's RAW !  No machines are used to make it" "YA!" "And it comes with the stone that they got it from... They use a stone to hit the stone to extract it from the stone, cos no machine right?" "I like it already!" "It's UNfinished *dramatic pause*...

The Obvious Problem With "Thinking Big"

So I'm pretty small in size. But people always say things like "I may be small but I have a big personality/heart" or "I may be small but I can achieve big things" #powertothesmallpeople And I really and truly believe that.  I even feel silly saying it because it almost goes without saying. In fact, there are so many advantages of being small in size, the rest of you tall-ies are missing out man.  Okay sorry I digress. ANYWAY, gist is I can achieve everything I put my mind to. (inspirational Rocky-type music to play here). I was recently asked to put a home office together. A walk in the park really *blows fingernails* Maybe I'll do some advanced sudoku while I'm at it - to make it at least a little challenging. I made my way to Ikea today to pick out the shelves, storage boxes, carpets and desk. First were the big boxes, which I stacked in the trolley. Then I reached the carpet section, Okay. Obviously can't fit into the trolley with all the boxes...