Why Don't WeChat?
Show of hands, who's heard of WeChat? :)
So anyway, all I thought WeChat was was an IM app with a walkie talkie feature …….That was until I went for the WeChat launch at Club Neverland last week.
1. The way you connect to other people on WeChat is by a QR code which is so much more convenient than going up to someone and taking down their numbers.
So whenever you wanna start chatting with someone, just scan their QR code and you’re good to go!
2. WeChat isn’t just a communication app, it’s also a social networking one where you can meet new people and also at the most random of places (because sometimes it’s easier to strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know screen to screen rather than face to face). You can “look around” and when you find him/her you can send your new almost-friend a greeting.
Me being me, I followed Dominos becauseI still ocassionally order pepperoni pizzas ….and finish it by myself because I have no self control whatsoever when it comes to food. #whale-ish
5. You’d also want to keep up with your friends, friends who also use Wechat, friends who you go to events like the WeChat launch with :

So my mistake! WeChat isn’t just a fancy walkie talkie app. It’s an IM, photo sharing, social networking, social platform, communicating app all rolled into one. Which is very cool la! So go download the app now so we can start having heart to hearts like this :
I started using WeChat to goof off with my friends, especially ones overseas, because it was like playing with walkie talkies but on your phone. Also because you can so much better appreciate someone's sarcastic, funny remark when you actually hear it right? Imagine if you had read instead of heard Russell Peters say this:
Probably wouldn't be very funny would it? haha...okay it would be less funny.
So anyway, all I thought WeChat was was an IM app with a walkie talkie feature …….That was until I went for the WeChat launch at Club Neverland last week.
Food, fun, music and mingling
The moment I stepped in I saw this huge screen that displayed the group chat of everyone in the party and I was like “ Eh I also want to join! How to join!?" "Scan the QR code lo" “Huh? What’s that!?”
Getting a helping hand to join in the convo, cos I’m almost tech-illiterate D:
1. The way you connect to other people on WeChat is by a QR code which is so much more convenient than going up to someone and taking down their numbers.
“.. 527 what ah? Can you repeat that!?”
Here’s mine! You can scan it and start talking to me now. Heh.
I also like that with WeChat we can alternate between walkie talkie-ing, IM-ing, sending pictures or even video calling your friends….because sometimes you like to have options. Lol.
2. WeChat isn’t just a communication app, it’s also a social networking one where you can meet new people and also at the most random of places (because sometimes it’s easier to strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know screen to screen rather than face to face). You can “look around” and when you find him/her you can send your new almost-friend a greeting.
I think this is a brilliant random way of meeting new potential best friends. lol
3. Follow celebrities and brands! During the launch there was a list of QR codes with suggestions of people we could follow.
Me being me, I followed Dominos becauseI still ocassionally order pepperoni pizzas ….and finish it by myself because I have no self control whatsoever when it comes to food. #whale-ish
Makin’ my life easier with all the ways to reach them nicely listed on one page. I also get updates on their promotions via their WeChat page which also make my life richer…getit getit. *nudge nudge*
4. Keep up with your friends and their moments!
You can upload pics for your friends to see when you share them on your “moments” which you can also pretty-fy with filters :
5. You’d also want to keep up with your friends, friends who also use Wechat, friends who you go to events like the WeChat launch with :

So my mistake! WeChat isn’t just a fancy walkie talkie app. It’s an IM, photo sharing, social networking, social platform, communicating app all rolled into one. Which is very cool la! So go download the app now so we can start having heart to hearts like this :
Lol! I love this bunny emoticon, it’s so funny and ridiculous at the same time!
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