
Showing posts from August, 2013

This is a public apology.

I don't usually buy into hype-y games. Candy crush? tried it, meh. Didn't see the appeal and I usually get bored of these things just as fast. I also extremely dislike getting requests on facebook for things like Pet Society or Mafia Wars - or whatever it is that's in now lah - and tell myself that I WILL NOT be one of these people who send out game invitations.  But there we were at dinner when Anne said  "You should try playing Poko Pang, here you can play it on my phone."  DAMNIT! Now I play it everywhere! At home... In the car... At dinner... At work... And even when you're waiting for the commercials before a movie... So to all Line users who don't play Poko Pang, I truly apologize for sending you clovers and invites, but the thing is..... you don't understand!!  I need to buy animal and attack blocckkkks!!!

What mother says - Mum and the mouse.

How my mother effectively deals with vermin : // I came home and asked her where she put it, she said below the sink outside so it wouldn't be so hot. Oh mother! she's hilarious. // update : No one got rid of it so it's still in the cage outside. My mum gave it apple and bread today. She even gave it water. She told me to release it into the jungle before it dies in the cage.

What mother says - good "jenes"

You know how you feel about Instagram and your constant need to check it? That's how my mum feels about 4 pics 1 word and I think I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself haha  *looks upward into the distance* " Trixh, do you know what this is?" "Hmmm....Oh I know. Sigh, no brainer mother! So good at this. Aaaamaze myself," I say dramatically. "Haha, well you know where you get your good genes from don't you?" "Hmmm...yea ..... .....Topshop" "Ohhhh booooooyy," says an exasperated mum, rolling her eyes. "Hahaha! But meedder I'm sooooo punny!" - Right guys right? right? getit getit!? genes! hur hur hur!

What mother says - Air Supply Edition.

Why hello there! I just got back from Air Supply! AaAaAAAaaaaahhh! It was s'good!   *eyes sparkle*   They're so good live!   *eyes sparkle sparkler* While most people were at Good Vibes, I was partying at Air Supply with my mum haha! You can probably guess what age group the crowd at the concert fell under - or over hur hur hur. Mum and I were making oldie cracks throughout the concert. But don't get us wrong, we love Air Supply! and Air Supply was mums time so most of the crowd were around her age.  It's just that, we just can't control ourselves ... most of the time. "Oh look at all these people here, all the older crowd, around my age..  Oh! there are some young people, their parents must've brought them along.  I should tell people my daughter brought me along. Not the other way around." -  It was quite a walk from the parking lot to the hall and when we found out seat I said, "This is the most civilized concert I've been to. Everyone...

How to cram Siem Reap into 2 days.

DID YOU KNOW THAT : Siem Reap means "Flat Defeat of Siam" or "Siamese defeated" While you're in Siem Reap you'll notice that there are no tall buildings, this is because nothing can be built higher than Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is a temple and not the name of a city. Angkor is the name of the city. For us tourists in Cambodia, we use the USD instead of Riel. - I was super pumped about this trip! I've always wanted to visit Angkor Wat,  so "always" that I even wrote it in my resolutions for this year - see here. #successkidaccomplishedface Now you may think 2 days is a really short time, but I think we covered quite alot of Siem Reap - especially since our days began at 4 in the morning. Things we did in the same day felt like it happened days ago...if that makes any sense.   We arrived in Siem Reap early early early in the morning and decided to head to Kampong Phluk - the floating village on Tonle Sap- which is about an hours away and throu...

What mama says.

My mum and my grandmother are talking about my grandmother's stay in Singapore. "Ma, why don't you invite your friends out for a meal or tea at a hotel?  You should enjoy yourself more, if not now then when do you want to enjoy yourself?"   Said mum to mama, to which mama replies, "Enjoy myself? I always enjoy myself! That's why my pants are so tight now." Oh mama! .

Suosday from Angkor Wat!

I just got back and I'm feeling tired and restless at the same time. We crammed as much as we possibly could into 2 days and it seemed like the longest short holiday ever. Everything seemed to be on fast forward and now, as I'm sitting down in my room in my jammies I feel like I don't have time to be tired because I need to go some where! haha. More on my trip soon! On a different note, I'm looking high and low (on google lol) for Phantom of the Opera tickets for next weekend and it seems to be fully booked! I remember when I was, my cousin and I were hardcore fans of The Phantom of the Opera  and knew the whole soundtrack by heart. We would play her cd on loop as we drove around (or rather, as she drove me around)in her CRV and falsetto our hearts out like we were opera singers. We'd even do a tag team where I sang Christine and she, Raoul.  We were so obsessed with The Phantom of the Opera that, embarrassingly enough, we'd sometimes  ask each other q...