A Happy Birthday!
I rarely write "what I did today" posts
but I wanted to remember what happened today so here it is!
but I wanted to remember what happened today so here it is!
Today's my birthday and I didn't really feel anything about it.
Like yeh, another year older I'm just gonna..yeh whatever!
It was a really nice day of doing nothing important. Which was great!
Started my day with Bob picking me up in the morning. I got flowers.
//update that the flowers started drooping off the stems
but I'm just gonna tell myself they're taking a rest. :|
But you also can't deny that it differs so greatly from the movies now. Where got people die so easily one? The part where Darth Vader single handedly (literally, cos he only had one hand hur hur hur ) carries Palpatine and throws him away like a rag doll had me in stitches. Like ha? gave us a whole speech about how you cannot resist his powers then to defeat him you carried him and threw him away like an old sock while Palpatine just yells helplessly. You killing me man. Stop it.
Similar to when I watched the old Jurrassic Park and was dying when I saw that the dinosaur (big and strong and can probably ram through walls) turn door knobs to open the doors. LOLOL.
Wait, where was I? Oh yes.
Then Bob brought me for Hammam!
He also decided he was gonna do it with me, but here's the thing - he is incredibly ticklish!
Like super extra incredibly ticklish.
"Are you sure you wanna go with me?? I don't mind going another time by myself"
He said he was doing it for me so that we can go together so I was like;
Okay! Appreciate your bravery and fearlessness.
It was my first Hammam and I have to say that those ladies saw parts of me that I haven't seen myself. I was scrubbed and washed like a chicken on a chopping board. LOLOL! We also got a massage and that was calming after all the chicken-washing.
After that we took our- moroccan scented -selves to dinner.
Bob said he was taking me to eat my favourite food.
Bob said he was taking me to eat my favourite food.
"Like, hor fun again? Or esquire kitchen? Ayam Penyet? Banana Leaf ah?"
I know I don't speak Chinese but I love my rice in whatever cuisine(and rice noodles).
He brought me to Sushi Hinata (still rice so yay), which I've been wanting to try! Most legit sushi I've ever eaten. The master sushi chef/director is from Nagoya and he's legit!
We got the omakase and it was a lot of seafood. Actually I think it was only seafood.
We took out our cameras to take a picture but Japanese masterchef be like;
"Nooa you mas quick-e-lee eat-a. The seaweeda very ke-ris-py now"
So we were like oh ok ok ok ok!!! *tosses devices and puts urchin in mouth*
Apparently it's shipped from Hokkaido which is the best.
Ended the night going back to wrap presents for Christmas, which is one of my favouritest things to do! Tried to make it a coupley activity but Bob gave up after 2 presents. Maybe he also couldn't take all the classical christmas music I was playing.
So ya! That was my birthday guys!
It was a fun day spent with my favourite person (ngaw) who planned the whole day out. All I had to do was...let strange Moroccan ladies bathe me, that's all.
P.s. This year was probably less stressful for Bob than last year.

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