What mother says - Spaghetti Bolognese
I don't know about you, but sometimes I have cravings for the most random food.
I spend my whole day thinking about it and anything else I eat just doesn't cut it for me, like wasted stomach space.
And usually, nothing stops a craving.
So when mum asked, "What do you wanna eat for dinner?" I could only think of one thing.
Juicy chunks of minced beef, slowly simmered in fragrant herb to soak in the flavour. A rich combination of tender meat and fresh vegetable, served with hot spaghetti.
This was odd you see, I'm usually a rice and soup kinda person but that day, all I was thinking about and all I wanted was Spaghetti Bolognese.
"I really really want to eat Spaghetti Bolognese" I tell mum, a dream cloud of yummy Spaghetti Bolognese forms over my head.
"No no no, we're not eating Bolognese"
The bubble pops.
"But but but Mum! You don't understand!"
"Bolognese is the only type of spaghetti I can cook. Eat anything you want, order anything, anything at all, except Bolognese! If you want I can cook it for you another day"
"But but but I want to eat it today" I whine.
"No Bolognese!"

And for the record....she still hasn't made it for me either.
And also, after writing this, I feel like eating Bolognese.
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